Euronext Dublin (formerly known as the Irish Stock Exchange) is a global leader in debt listings and has helped Ireland develop as the jurisdiction of choice in Europe for listing debt securities. Euronext Dublin, together with the Central Bank of Ireland offers an efficient and pragmatic approach to debt listing which aligns with issuer and arranger requirements.
This statement of intent by Euronext builds on its recent success in establishing itself as the exchange of choice for listing "green bonds", having overtaken London in late 2019. This new ESG offering complements recent shifts in focus by investors, asset managers and regulators towards ESG compliant bond issuances across the debt capital market universe of corporate bonds, sovereign bonds and asset backed securities. In addition, ESG initiatives have the benefit of both the support of the Irish Government as well as an established Irish debt capital markets industry, which has been in existence for over 20 years and is served by a full range of supporting businesses and experienced service professionals which continues to build on Ireland's international reputation as a jurisdiction of choice for the international debt capital markets.
The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD has today (Wednesday) welcomed the announcement by Euronext, launching a suite of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) products and services to allow European Capital Markets to fuel sustainable growth. Euronext Dublin already serves as the Euronext Group centre of excellence for Green Bonds. With the success of the Euronext Green Bonds offering introduced last November during Ireland’s second Climate Finance Week, today marks a significant expansion in the offering to other ESG-related bonds, including social and sustainability-linked bonds.