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Stephen McLoughlin, Partner, Maples Group

Stephen McLoughlin

Partner at Maples Group

Dublin, Ireland

About Me

Advises on all types of structured finance transactions including traditional and bespoke securitisation structures. These include CLOs, standalone and multi-issuer repackaging programmes, collateralised swaps and repos products and trade finance and aviation securitisations. Advises leading market participants on regulatory matters under the Prospectus Directive, Market Abuse Regulation, Transparency Directive, AIFMD, EMIR, FVC Regulation and risk retention requirements for securitisations under the Capital Requirements Regulation.

Stephen McLoughlin's Passles

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Ireland: A Hub for ESG Securities

Ireland: A Hub for ESG Securities

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CLO formation is strong because CLO performance has been extraordinary

CLO formation is strong because CLO performance has been extraordinary

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