CIMA FAQs for Fund AML Officers
Martin oversees the Maples Group's Regulatory & Financial Services team and is an industry-recognised specialist in all aspects of regulatory, licensing, risk management, information disclosure and anti-money laundering matters. He regularly assists clients in their relationship with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Tax Information Authority and other government agencies. Martin also advises on a range of regulatory aspects, including licence applications and cross border conduct of business advice, financial services terms and conditions, mandatory reporting and information exchange (including FATCA, the Common Reporting Standard and other tax or regulatory information exchange mechanisms), duties of confidentiality, sanctions, anti-corruption and bribery, as well as anti-money laundering and combating of terrorist financing advice.
From November 7, law and audit firms, amongst others, will need to report financial sanctions listed persons to the Governor of their...
CIMA has recently issued a set of FAQs in relation to how they expect AML procedures and functions to be undertaken by investment funds....
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