The Central Bank have issued its annual letter setting out its submission deadlines for receipt of applications which have pre-Christmas or pre-year end authorisation/approval/noting deadlines.
The section, on the first page, entitled "Fund/Post-Authorisation Applications" is relevant for UCITS and RIAIFs and the following timelines apply:
1. New fund launches (and non-fast track sub-funds) – 12 October
9 November
2. Addition of new fast-track sub-funds to existing structures -
3. Post-authorisation amendments (major items) – 12 October and
9 November
4. Post-authorisation amendments (all other items) –
Please note that the normal 24 hour turnaround for QIAIFs continue to apply up until 19 December 2018 and further detail is provided on the second page of the letter under the heading "QIAIF filings".
Should you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss the above, please contact [email protected] or your usual Maples contact.